
Showing posts from June, 2018

Mastectomy and axillary dissection for carcinoma breast

pre op marking for breast mass flaps being raised axillary dissection homeostasis being secured  46 year old female developed  breast lump ,hard nodular, painless ,slow growing for six months. FNAC revealed ca breast, CXR and ultrasound abdomen were non remarkable. Patient was taken up for surgery mastectomy with axillary dissection was done. Dr Adhishwar Sharma Mb,BS MS (gen Surg) PGIMER Chd Mch Plastic Surgery Fellowship microvascular surgery and hand surgery 8860650846,

Total mandibular reconstruction and floor of mouth tumor

fibula being  contoured microvascular anastomosis microscope used arterial and venous anastomosis vascular anastomosis of flap vessels fibula skin paddle being insetted final reconstruction with excellent mouth opening Total mandibular reconstruction done by free fibula flap. Earlier patient had anterior tongue tumor involving floor of mouth. Whole mandible along with floor of mouth and bilateral neck dissection was done . Condyle to condyle fibula reconstruction was done with free fibula flap, skin paddle being insetted in anterior to cover bone. Multiple osteotomies done to contour fibula and fixed with miniplate. Vessel anastomosis was done in a neck. Tracheostomy was done to secure airway while allowing airway to heal. Patient was discharged after 10 days ,tracheostomy was removed after three weeks. Feeding tube was removed after one month. Radiotherapy was stared after one month of surgery. Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846, adhishw...

Fungating neck ,neck dissection and Deltopectoral flap

Fungating neck node Neck secondaries Neck Dissection completed Neck dissection completed DP flap completed flap being insetted 66 year old male life long smoker. Patient was diagnosed with carcinoma base of  tongue , and was advised chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Patient  somehow unable to undergo treatment ,developed neck nodes which burst open . Patient was operated for neck dissection where all fungating and other nodes were removed and deltopectoral flap was done to cover the wound. Patient was advised again chemotherapy and radiotherapy . Dr Adhishwar Sharma      8860650846.