
Showing posts from July, 2018


pre op photo front view pre op lateral view Radiology  excised specimen excised specimen and wound post op contour 60 year old female with a jaw swelling for six months .She was operated and jaw tumour with wide margins was excised and jaw anatomy was reconstituted with   reconstruction plate . For feeding purpose a feeding tube was inserted for three weeks. After three weeks feeding tube was removed. Ameloblastoma is a odontogenic tumor of facial skeleton. It is around 11% of all jaw tumors. Common in 20-50 years age group although can occur at any age .Lower jaw is more common than upper jaw(4:1) .Posterior region of jaw is more common than anterior region. They are slow growing ,painless  in most patients . On radiology they are unilocular or multilocular lesions usually translucent. Ameloblastoma are of three types Unicystic Ameloblastoma This develops in the epithelia wall of dentigerous cyst in posterior aspect of maxilla...