
Showing posts from April, 2018


pre op photo post op photo 6 year old boy presented with swelling on the the upper lip for past six months. The swelling was excised and reconstruction done with local flap. Biopsy was rhabdomyosarcoma ,patient needs adjuvant treatment for complete cure. Patient parents were advised regarding chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Dr Adhishwar Sharma 91 8860650846

Mandibular squamous cell carcinoma and mandibular reconstruction

65 year old man had a rapidly growing lesion in in lower jaw. On X ray lesion was cystic in nature it has history of three months only. Any way tumor was excised and frozen section was send which came as squamous cell carcinoma . Bilateral neck dissection was done, mandibular reconstruction was done using free fibula.Tracheostomy was done to secure airway. Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846


Parotid gland  tumors are common , especially benign tumors. These tumors occur in superficial lobe,so superficial parotidectomy is treatment of choice. Facial nerve divides parotid gland into superficial and deep lobes.Superficial parotidectomy means dissection of facial nerve from superficial lobe. Superficial lobe is lifted of facial nerve and  it carries risk of facial palsy. Dr Adhishwar Sharma MBBS, MS General Surgery PGIMER Chd Mch Plastic Surgery Fellowship in Head and Neck Surgery  8860650846

Head and neck carcinosarcoma and Reconstruction

preop preop frontal view post op one year Resected specimen inside Resected specimen outside  post op photo April 2017 A 48 year old man who developed swelling in face for past six months. Swelling was in lower face and very massive, Biopsy come as carcinosarcoma. imaging studies CT scan was ordered which revealed true extent of tumor. He was planned for resection and neck dissection.  Reconstruction was done with a ALT free flap. Flap vessel were connected to facial artery and EJV. Post op was uneventful . He was offered radiotherapy which he refused . He went back home and after one year send his photograph, he was doing well . All photo with a consent. Dr Adhishwar Sharma MB,BS , MS General Surgery PGIMER  Chd Mch Plastic Surgery 8860650846

Amelobastoma Nigeria

45 year old female from nigeria presents with lower jaw tumor for past three years. She was diabetic and Hbs ag positive. She was planned for resection and reconstruction. Whole tumor was resected and reconstruction was done with a vascularized fibula . Fibula was osteotomized and fixed with a reconstruction plate. Flap vessels were connected to facial artery and external jugular vein.Lower lip was greatly expanded due to tumor but it normalised with time. She was given chin stap to settle lower lip. After six months she underwent small surgery to settle small issues. She was largely happy with outcome. All photo with permission of patients Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846,

Lower jaw tumour and mandible reconstruction Senegal

pre op photo pre op photo pre op lateral view post op view post op view post op view post op view lateral view A 33 year old african lady from Senegal came to us with complaint of giant  tumor of lower jaw . Tumor was growing for past one year. Ameloblastoma are common tumor in these area and it grow to giant proportions. She was taken up for surgery whole tumor was excised and lower mandible was reconstructed with micro vascular free fibula flap. Flap vessels were connected to facial artery and EJV respectively. Post operative was largely uneventful, ryles tube for feeding was removed after three weeks. She had excellent jaw motion and function, dental rehabilitation was done after six months to apply prosthetic teeth. All photos posted are with prior consent of patients and parties involved Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846 ,

Total Thyroidectomy in graves disease

wound after excision of thyroid Add caption 32 year old female suffering from hyperthyroidism for past 2 years along with it ,she developed goiter.  She was given anti thyroid drugs to reduce activity of thyroid hormone,after six months of continuous therapy . As her condition stabilized decision to operate was taken. And she underwent near total thyroidectomy  . Post operative was uneventful, she was discharged after 3 day. Complication of such surgery are 1. Bleeding 2.respiratory distress 3. Hypocalcemia 4. Thyroid Strom 5 .long term hypothroidism Potential benefits are better control of hyperthyroidism. Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846,

Head and neck resection and reconstuction buccal sulcus tumour with free flap

35 year old male chronic smoker, and alcoholic developed lower jaw tumor . He was taken up for surgery and a large tumor was excised and neck dissection was done . it was a large defect both lining and outer skin cover was desired. Reconstruction was done by a ALT free flap connected to facial artery and EJV. Post op patient went fine and recovered uneventfully Dr Adhishwar Sharma 8860650846,