
Showing posts from March, 2019

Marjolins ulcer leg post burn

Marjolins ulcer is a variant of skin cancer , it is a ulcerating squamous  cell carcinoma . Described by Jean Nicolas Marjolin in 1828. Which develops in scars it can be burn scar ,osteomyelitis ,venous ulcers, post radiotherapy , pressure sores  or post traumatic scars. Unstable wound which are prone to breakdown are frequent site of this cancer . It can be very aggressive tumour  . Initial lymphatic spread is slow because of scarring ,but once barrier is breached spread can be aggressive .  Any wound which is not healing for 3 months should be biopsied .  original ulcer 30 year old male history of burns sustained burns 20 years ago which was treated conservatively with right get skin grafted . Patient developed ulceration over medial aspect of ankle which refused to heal . Patient was subjected to biopsy which came out to be squamous cell carcinoma . Surgical Oncology advice was taken and patient was taken for surgery. Lymph node dissection of g...